Chloe's Story:
Patient Story: Meet Chloe, 16 year old Ewing Sarcoma Survivor from France. Hear her journey during and after treatment. People are often unaware of the late-side effects and aftermath childhood cancers have on someone. Donate through our page so we can help people like Chloe. This is her story:
“My name is Chloe and I am 16 years old. In 2017, at the age of 13, I was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma, a rare type of pediatric bone cancer. Starting in the summer of 2016, I had this pain traveling throughout my right arm and humerus, where I had a bump. The longer the months went by, the more the pain increased. As the pain started to become unbearable, my family and I decided to go to the emergency room.
The day was January 10, 2017. I had a lot of tests done during the next five days, including a biopsy, and on January 19 was told that I had a very rare type of cancer, known as Ewing’s Sarcoma. Just 8 days after my diagnosis, on January 27, 2017, I started my first round of chemotherapy.
My treatment protocol called for 3 parts. The first part included receiving 6 high-doses of chemotherapy. I immediately felt how strong they were. I had constant nausea, I lost my hair, I lost a lot of weight, and I quite honestly suffered a lot.
The second part of my protocol called for an operation to remove my right humerus and get rid of the diseased portion. The team of doctors did this by replacing my humerus with my left fibula. This meant that I’d have a disability and deformation for the rest of my life.
The final part of treatment was a consolidated 8 rounds of chemotherapy, which were also very strong and difficult. My last chemotherapy finished on January 4, 2018 and on February 7, 2018 I was declared in remission. During the totality of my treatment, I must have received more than 20 blood transfusions and experienced two febrile aplasia (neutropenic infections).
After my last chemotherapy, I would later return to school, which proved to be a very difficult transition. With missed time, I was told that I would have to repeat 8th grade, which was very hard for me to understand. Even after accepting this, my best friend at the time stopped talking to me. She had told me some horrible things and insult me. I had to rebuild a new life.
In September of 2018, when I started 8th grade, I began to have panic attacks and was always very anxious. I cried a lot and felt like I was trapped. I was suffering a lot psychologically and stopped going to school. I decided to do my work at home.
My oncologist later talked to me about a care group they had for children who suffer with psychological issues. I finally felt like I found a group that I fit in with. These people made me feel better and understood the problems I was dealing with. I was now making the ideal friends and was given the privilege to have teachers that would come teach me on my own. I went on to pass my “brevet”.
This fall, I will be going back to school for what is hopefully a normal 9th grade. A few months ago, I would have been telling myself that I was done with school and was a lost cause. Today, I’m doing much better, but I’m still not where I once was. I still have moments when I’m feeling down, psychologically, but I’ve rediscovered that part of me who is happy and loves to annoy adults.
During and after treatment, you need to be extremely patient, because what you really need to do is wait. The best way to beat cancer is by surrounding yourself with those you love most and those who love you most. You must stay strong and hold on tight, but don’t forget to also have fun. During treatment, I often preferred to watch movies over doing school work, and that was my choice, something I don’t regret one bit.
Now that I don’t have cancer, I’m still rebuilding psychologically, and it’s been difficult. I’ve been traumatized by what I’ve been through, but I also want to be happy and live a good life. I’m fighting to live the life I want to live, and not what the disease wants me to live.”