"Spread Your Wings"
What We Do?
Wings for Ewing Sarcoma, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, fights to find a cure for Ewing Sarcoma. Until that cure is found, we plan on empowering children and young adolescents currently in the fight. We believe our foundation serves a multi-purpose platform that looks to end childhood cancer for Ewing Sarcoma while also improving the quality of life for pediatric oncology patients. Medical grants will be given for Ewing Sarcoma research and activities will be planned for pediatric cancer patients; including young adolescents and adults 18 and older diagnosed with a childhood cancer.
Why This Foundation?
This foundation remains close to heart after battling Ewing Sarcoma myself at age 19 at the Children's Hospital at Montefiore. On average, 43 children will be diagnosed with some type of cancer each day. Of this, 12% will not make it. Ewing Sarcoma often has poor prognosis, especially when metastasized. Only about 70% of children will be cured. Teens often have a lower survival rate of 56%. For those diagnosed once the disease has spread, the survival rate is less than 30%. 80% of the time, Ewing Sarcoma is not diagnosed until metastasis occurs. No kid should have to endure the harsh treatment this cancer protocol calls for, nor should they have their life on a line from this deadly disease. Our mission is to eradicate Ewing Sarcoma and empower all types of childhood cancer patients so that they can spread their wings!

Chiara Valle
“Cancer Does Not Define You”. You are in charge of your own story and you will always be “you”, no matter how much you may think or feel otherwise!